Author: Amy Thornbury
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Anduze, Juan. December 23, 1987
Ferré, Luis A.* December 7, 1987.
Gonzalez, Maria.† December 6, 1987.
Mantilla, Jesús M.† December 7, 22, 1987.
Melendez, Hiram.§ December 22, 1987.
Rigau, Marco A.† December 22, 1987.
Roig Ferré, Antonio.* December 4, 5, 1987.
Tryon, Richard. December 7, 23, 1987.
* indicates PNP supporter
† indicates PPD supporter
§ indicates PIP supporter
rs. Unpublished manuscript,
September 29, 1987.
The New York Times (NYT).
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