
Author: Richard R. Tryon & others

Kenyon ClassÕ54 Notes to web page:

From Butch/Bill Aulenbach

1. Hi Richard.
Just received your email so here's some news. We're on our way to France (10-11) for a month. (A home exchange.) Been an interesting travel year. We spent 6 weeks in New Zealand (a home exchange).

Then went with some friends to South Africa for a month. Spent the first 2 weeks on game hunts and the last 2 weeks seeing some of the rest of the country.

Just finished another book (9th rewrite) and when we get back from France we'll see what the market place thinks. Working title: "A Lover's Manual, Based on the Ethics of Jesus."

Finishing up my doctorate which I began in 1963 at the University of Strasbourg, France. The birth of our multi-challenged daugther (and work and the other children and money) slowed me down but I was determined to complete it.

Life gets better in spite of our bodies telling us otherwise.

Pax Bill/Butch

2. From Dick Tryon:

2006 has been an interesting year but one with a taste of success and trouble. The success relates to getting the P.R. farm to show an operational profit, a first. The effort to sell ergonomic keyboards has been worthwhile but it has shown mostly what needs to be improved.

Like most of you, health and dying family are more in our minds than we want to see as a focus of daily living. For me, the easy removal of an aggressive cancerous prostate produced a very good result. A PSA of <-.1 means none can be found! The same result happened from the removal of a small but dangerous melanoma from my chest. One chance in 5,000 of another one of this type coming again.

The plan for Õ07 is to move ahead with efforts to add new vitality to both the Ergomatic keyboard and to seek a way to develop a aquaponic combination of growing fish and plants together with a vertical hydroponic unit to demonstrate a new way to make agriculture be more productive.

Update of 1-12-09:
Back in P.R. again. 2007 included a surprise on 4-15. A very mild heart attack led to the discovery of need for a triple by-pass. Four weeks later I was driving back from Florida to Michigan with a lot of driving help from Anne! It took six more weeks to be playing golf and tennis again, but that capacity is still with me!

More work now on Vertical Farming and bamboo growing too!
The plan for a Kenyon 55th reunion is not moving and if others want to save it,for an April 20-22 date, they had best tell me quickly.

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